Business Integration - BI
Business integration gives companies the power to connect systems and people throughout their organization, across their extended enterprise, and within their customer base.
TIBCO provides a complete set of business integration software products that enable companies to connect any number or variety of endpoints across technological, organizational, and geographical boundaries. TIBCO's software gives companies the flexibility to do these things using whatever standards or technologies best meet their needs in specific situations (such as HTTP, e-mail, J2EE, EDI, Messaging, .Net, or Web Services) without replacing existing technologies or committing to any one technology across their enterprise.
TIBCO Rendezvous
TIBCO Rendezvous is a software product that provides a message bus for enterprise application integration (EAI). TIBCO provides messaging APIs in C, C++, Java, Visual BASIC and .NET to receive data feeds on Excel sheets and other applications of choice.
The messages themselves can be viewed as typed name-value fields and/or number-value fields (the two identification mechanisms within a message can mix and match with certain restrictions). A message can itself contain sub-messages which themselves may contain sub-messages etc.
If you need more information please check TIBCO Rendezvous page.
TIBCO Hawk is a sophisticated tool for monitoring and managing distributed applications and systems throughout the enterprise. With Hawk, system administrators can monitor application parameters, behavior, and loading activities for all nodes in a local or wide-area network and take action when pre-defined conditions occur. In many cases, runtime failures or slowdowns can be repaired automatically within seconds of their discovery, reducing unscheduled outages and slowdowns of critical business systems.
If you need more information please check TIBCO Hawk page.